
The following documents are all produced by Heritage Saskatchewan. All documents are downloadable as pdfs.

You can find more of our publications on our Projects page.


A Think Piece on Commemorations coverA Think Piece on Commemorations - 2020

How we commemorate and celebrate our heritage can leave material reminders – physical, touchable things - across our landscape. Heritage Saskatchewan believes that we need to make decisions about who is publicly commemorated and why, based on discussions informed by careful, considered insight and equity.


 Living Heritage & Quality of Life: Reframing Heritage Activity in Saskatchewan - 2012, republished 2016

This report is written as a framework for action to reframe how we talk about heritage in communities connecting cultural, social, environmental and economic values as they permeate all aspects of life, and reframes heritage as a vital component of contemporary life.

You can see a visual of the document here, and also read Quality of Life adn Community Development, published June 2015. 


We Need to Talk! - 2016

This report shows five models to approach living heritage through existing programs and policies to build sustainable and vibrant communities.



Living Heritage @ Work, vol 1 - 2016

Who works in intangible cultural heritage in Saskatchewan?  This report sets our understanding of what working in living heritage means, and interviews 16 people who use living heritage in their work.


Living Heritage & the Economy: How Workers, Consumers and Citizens are Shaping the Future - 2018

A report that draws links between wellbeing,human  economics and living heritage.



Heritage Occupations in Saskatchewan, October 2013 - SaskTrends Monitor report - 2013

Developed with the goal of understanding how many people work in heritage in Saskatchewan, especially within a context of living hertage.
Note: this file has been compressed to fit upload requirements. If you would like a copy of the original document please reach out to us on our Contact Us page.

Intangible Cultural Heritage Fact Sheet - 2020

Easy and approachable, 2-page document explaining the basics of ICH.



Community Resilience

Saskatchewan Idex of Wellbeing

Important documents are on the SaskWellbeing website's Saskatchewan Index of Wellbeing page. There you can find all associated reports produce by the SIW.

As part of the research process Heritage Saskatchewan produced a short fact sheet called Measuring What Matters to introduce the Index and explain it's purpose.

Beyond the Economy: Prioritizing Saskatchewan’s Wellbeing (2020) discusses wellbeing from a policy perspecitve. It was published by the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy digital publication Policy Brief.


Ecomuseums concept: A Saskatchewan Perspective on "Museums without Walls" - 2016

Produced in partnership with the Museums Association of Saskatchewan. Ecomuseums are a way for communities to express their living heritage, and adapt museums to their needs.



Newly-Forming Ecomuseums: Development Framework - 2016

A toolkit produced in partnership with the Museums Association of Saskatchewan to guide communities interested in starting an ecomuseum start that process, as well as providing resources and references.

Other publications

Thrive Saskatchewan - 2019

The ThriveSask Pilot Program was convened and facilitated by the Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance
(SEDA) in 2018. Our aim was to build on momentum established by the Saskatchewan Main Street Program, and
provide support for communities and downtown improvement organizations to build resilient and vibrant economies