YOUNG CITIZENS 2014 – Voting Now Open!

YOUNG CITIZENS 2014 – Voting Now Open!

Jul 5, 2014

Canada’s History’s “Young Citizens” 2014 contest is now open for your vote! The voting will be open until Friday, July 11. To vote, please go to Heritage Saskatchewan has been partnering with St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School in Regina, SK, and this year, six Grade 5 students from that school have participated in this contest. They need your vote! Each student has produced a short (3 min) video about their Heritage Fairs project. Once the voting closes, the top 30 videos will be selected to be reviewed by a panel of judges and the winners will be invited to Ottawa in the fall. Our students topics are diverse: Canadian immigration, the Famous Five, chuckwagon racing, and numerous historic buildings. Furthermore, the other videos on the site are also delightful – it is a chance to view various stories from around our beautiful country as told by our young people. Their creativity, ingenuity, and insight is incredible. Each person can vote once by selecting the “VOTE” button on the students’ profile pages. One email address = one vote Get your friends and colleagues to vote as well! These videos are a great lunchtime viewing experience. Once again, the address is and the deadline is July 11. Happy Viewing and Voting!