Young Citizens 2014 – Finalists’ Trip to Ottawa

Young Citizens 2014 – Finalists’ Trip to Ottawa

Nov 12, 2014

The Young Citizens Forum 2014 was held in Ottawa from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2. A national contest sponsored by Canada’s History, and conducted in this province through Heritage Saskatchewan, the Young Citizens contest is an extension of the Heritage Fairs program in which individual students create a video about their Heritage Fair topic. This year, two winners were selected from each province to participate in the Forum and receive an award from Canada’s History. Saskatchewan was represented by Ella Forrest (for her video My Oma’s Story) and Dylan Donald (for his video Chuckwagon Racing), both in Gr. 6 at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School in Regina. Ella and Dylan are pictured at left. Along with Heritage Saskatchewan’s Education Coordinator, Katherine Gilks, Ella and Dylan spent four days in the nation’s capital and in addition to participating in the Forum, they had the opportunity to tour Parliament and Rideau Hall, explore some museums, and meet 20 other young students with an interest in heritage. Fun times and new friends were had by all! Katherine also had the opportunity to meet with counterpart coordinators from across Canada, along with staff from Canada’s History, and discuss the future of the Heritage Fairs program and a possible National Youth Heritage Fair for 2017.  In addition, the Young Citizens contest has been renewed for 2015, 2016, and 2017.