We Want YOUR Photos (and you could win some cash)!

We Want YOUR Photos (and you could win some cash)!

Jul 23, 2018

Kristin Catherwood, ICH Development Officer

Are you an amateur photographer with a keen eye for capturing connections in our community? Heritage Saskatchewan is seeking photos of those moments that reveal our province’s rich Living Heritage – whether it’s a stunning shot of a physical landmark or an arresting image of people engaged in traditional activities, we want to see it! And maybe even award you some prize money for it!

Our work at Heritage Saskatchewan is to connect Saskatchewan people with our diverse, shared Living Heritage. We want you, the people of this province, to show us what is YOUR heritage so that we can share it with the public. We know that Saskatchewan is full of beautiful places and people and we want to showcase it on our platforms.

As you enjoy the rest of your Saskatchewan summer, consider how you can capture those moments that reflect who we are. Saskatchewan is home to diverse landscapes and cultures – from the northern forests to the southern grasslands. There is no one Saskatchewan story, but many, all coming together to tell us about where we’ve come from and where we hope to go.

The province’s event calendar is full of activities all summer long that recognize and celebrate our heritage – this is the perfect time of year to find people gathering together celebrating their heritage. So get out your DSLR, your point-and-shoot, or your smartphone and show us your talent!

This isn’t your typical photo contest - It’s a uniquely challenging one: show us our heritage through image, in one of two categories:

  • Physical HeritageThis might include cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, buildings, or any engineering works
  • Intangible Cultural HeritageExamples could include festivals, community events, traditions and skills (rug hooking, beading, etc.), rituals or foods that support the passing of knowledge between generations

The contest is open from Monday July 23rd to midnight on September 3rd (Labour Day), 2018.  Winners will be announced September 10th, 2018.

First and second place winners will be chosen in each category, with prizes being $200 and $100 respectively.

Those images that most effectively represent the heritage of our wonderful province may be used by Heritage Saskatchewan for promotional purposes.


  • Look for people doing things – like dancing, singing, playing an instrument, fishing in a traditional way, utilizing environmental knowledge of woodland or prairie (berry picking, anyone?)
  • Look for people making things – like a family recipe, a garment, a tool, a decorative art/craft
  • Look for people relating to each other – like an elder teaching a young person, or a group celebrating a cultural tradition together
  • Look for places that speak to our living heritage – like a building that has stood the test of time, a geographical landmark that has traditionally been a wayfinder, or a vista that speaks to the ways people have lived in this place for thousands of years (just make sure you have permission to do so!)

HOW TO ENTER                                                                       

Visit www.heritagesask.ca/photocontest and click the “Enter Now” button. Follow the entry and submission instructions.

So get out there and start snapping!