The Saskatchewan Food, Culture and Heritage Survey

The Saskatchewan Food, Culture and Heritage Survey

Jun 3, 2024

Katie Bird, UofR Research Assistant

The Saskatchewan Food, Culture and Heritage Survey

On Wednesday, February 16 2022, a new province-wide survey called, The Saskatchewan Food, Culture and Heritage Survey, was released by the University of Regina, paired with Heritage Saskatchewan, and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum.

Led by Dr Glenn Sutter and his team of researchers, this survey is part of a larger project called “Fostering food security through local cultures: Living heritage insights from rural Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities,” and we want to learn more about the connections between food security and local cultures by hearing from you and your community!

All residents of Saskatchewan are invited to participate in this survey, which includes questions about food issues in your community. We are interested in how people produce, access, and consume food. We are also interested in the relationship between food, Saskatchewan cultures, and local environments. The findings from this study will provide important information about food security in our province and may be used to inform food policy. Our aim is to document and share knowledge about local food security challenges and opportunities, ultimately developing recommendations that will inform the advocacy work that already takes place within Saskatchewan.

The survey responses will be anonymous, and a summary of the findings will be posted on OURspace at the University of Regina Library ( in May 2023, once we have analyzed and interpreted the results.

Following the completion of the survey, communities and organizations are welcome to contact us to participate in interviews, be a part of focus group discussions, and help identify local pollinators in bio-blitz events. We will be collecting data on local pollinators so we can assess the quality of local native bee habitat, and provide a basis for conservation or restoration projects that will have immediate and tangible impacts on local food production and living heritage.

We look forward to your responses and learning more about our wonderful province and the people who live here!

The Saskatchewan Food, Culture and Heritage Survey

If you have any questions, you can contact Dr Glenn Sutter and his research team at (306) 787-2859,