The National Trust Announces New Chair and Governors

The National Trust Announces New Chair and Governors

Nov 4, 2014

The National Trust for Canada is pleased to announce its new Chair, Tom Urbaniak of Nova Scotia, and four new members joining its Board of Governors:  Myriam St-Denis of Quebec, Michael Murphy of Prince Edward Island and James Ingold and Dr. Glenn Sutter, both of Saskatchewan. James Ingold works in marketing, business development and design at the Regina offices of IQmetrix, a software development company with a strong community focus. James’ interest in local culture and heritage led to his involvement with SaskCulture, first as a board member and later as its president. James brings extensive experience in governance and policy development, as well as an appreciation for the interconnections between governments, funders, organizations and cultural workers. Dr. Glenn Sutter is Curator of Human Ecology at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, where he is responsible for major exhibits about sustainability and a provincial research and community engagement project on ecomuseums. Building on his experience and advanced degrees in conservation and environmental biology, for almost 20 years Glenn has been exploring and writing about the role that museums can play in sustainability education.