Story is what you make it

Story is what you make it

Feb 27, 2023

Carol Rose GoldenEagle (Guest)

Story is what you make it

Guest Blog by Carol Rose GoldenEagle, Saskatchewan Poet Laureate

Every thing is a story.

Everyone is a storyteller.

And with this, one phrase that needs to be stricken from anyone’s vocabulary is this;

“I am not a real writer, but…”

I have heard this comment dozens of times. The funny thing is, that sentence is spoken by someone who is attending one of the many writing workshops that I have facilitated over the years.

I have to assure them, “You are a writer.  That’s why you are here at a writing workshop.”

But I do know where the lack of confidence comes from. I have experienced it myself.

Someone asked me the other day – how long have you been a storyteller? I have to say, it is something I have always done.

I grew up on the bald, flat prairie just southeast of Regina, even though my biological roots are in Northern Saskatchewan. I was one of those children taken in the 1960’s scoop up. I was a young Cree/Dene girl displaced and put in the care of the foster system, and placed in a geographical area foreign to my genetic memory.  

Maybe that is the reason I began telling stories. To reconnect.

My earliest memories of creating my own stories happened when I was about five. I would wander into the wheat field right at the edge of town. It was there my imagination soared.

My foster Dad had a subscription to National Geographic magazine. Within those pages was the I first time I saw other people of colour. I grew up seeing only white faces in the community where the child welfare system placed me. 

The photos from National Geographic inspired me. I would head out toward the prairie, and make up stories about being surrounded by a jungle. My childs’ imagination allowed gophers to become wild boars. A little rain puddle became a rushing river, like what I’d seen in the pictures of the magazine. That was in the summer months.

By winter, I wrote poetry about sunlight dancing on fresh snow. I wrote about the sound of crunching snow under my boots, or how fun it is to play snowballs. I was no more than seven years old by that time.

My love of writing continued, and near the end of high school, I proudly announced that I wanted to be a writer after graduation. This is where that dream took a turn.  

A teacher told me, “You will never be a writer.”

I believed it.  

Why do people say things like that?

To make a long story short, I abandoned the idea of being an author and spent decades working as a journalist instead, mostly with the CBC.  During those years, I also became a mother, and in so many ways, it’s because of my 3 children that I started creative writing again.

When my kids were little, we’d read a bedtime story every night. I love how they all tucked in under my arms and listened. It was our routine – reading bedtime stories. But, it soon became obvious that almost none of the children’s literature, back when my kids were little, reflected my own Indigenous culture. 

So, I started making up my own bedtime stories.   

My children delighted in hearing about their Kohkum (Grandmother in Cree). They loved seeing familiar places; big clear lakes filled with fish, or picking low-bush cranberries. As much as possible, I used Cree language in the stories I created for them.  

By the time I became a Mom, I had reconnected with my biological family, who are fluently Cree and still live in northern Saskatchewan. I wanted my children to celebrate these roots. Reclaiming.

Storytelling has been how I broke the cycle of being disconnected. I created stories of the pride and strength of our People. I told stories about embracing our own Indigenous heritage, and passed it on to my children.

Since those early years of storytelling for my own children, I am now following my own path.

I am a full-time author.  

I have written several books of fiction that have won literary awards. I just signed with a BC children’s publisher, so that the same stories that I told my own kids can be widely shared. And, in 2021, I was named as Saskatchewan’s Poet Laureate.

What each of us has to share is important, which is why I still banish the sentence, “I am not a real writer, but….”

You are a writer.  Just do it.  And don’t limit yourself.

Every thing is a story.

Everyone is a storyteller.