Sharing Best Ideas!

Sharing Best Ideas!

Oct 29, 2012

Greetings to members of Heritage Saskatchewan. From the exciting gathering of Provincial Heritage Engagement 2012 in Wanuskewin Heritage Park - the ideas are flowing! We would like you to share your stories of successful partnerships - perhaps non-conventional pairings - that have resulted in innovative events with new audiences. Are you a nature group that has partnered with a music festival for a workshop on lyrics set to birdsong? (Yes, you may borrow this idea). Answer me these questions:
  • Name & communities of the groups involved
  • Name of event, duration
  • Audience gained
  • Would you do this again?
  • Key partners or funders (If you are willing to share this info)?
Please submit your ideas to and ponder the sharing of issues & opportunities - would you copy good ideas? Regards, Karen Handling