Preserving sidewalk prisms 'an issue of cost'

Preserving sidewalk prisms 'an issue of cost'

Mar 22, 2011

The City of Saskatoon will look into the cost of preserving the translucent glass prisms set in downtown sidewalks. The glass blocks, called prism lights, are relics from a time when merchants needed light for basement deliveries. The three-by-three-inch squares of glass have turned purple over time from oxidation. During the last 100 years, most of the squares have been removed, paved over, replaced or covered. Several panels remain along 21st Street East between Midtown Plaza and the Delta Bessborough hotel. A new program proposed by city administration and passed by council Monday updates the century-old arrangement for the 25 remaining below-sidewalk storage rooms. The city will now take responsibility for the sidewalk and the liability for injuries caused by people tripping on ruts, and will split the cost with property owners of a structural inspection of the under-sidewalk rooms, many of which are said to be badly corroding. When the sidewalk is repaved, it would be up to the property owner to pay to retain the glass block feature. To read more of David Hutton's article, please go to: