Museum Established in 1959 - Closing

Museum Established in 1959 - Closing

Aug 24, 2015

After 55 years of preserving the history of the city, The Civic Museum of Regina (formerly The Regina Plains Museum) will be closing its doors to the public August 31st, 2015 and will be permanently dissolved by December 31st, 2015. The museum is member-based, registered charity and has been unable to secure core-operating funds. The decision comes after working with the City of Regina for several years in hopes to avoid closure. The closing comes at an unfortunate time in the Museum’s history. In 2013, operations were moved from the temporary space on Scarth Street, to the larger and more economical current location on Broad Street. The Civic Museum of Regina is the only museum in the city with a mandate to collect and preserve the artifacts that tell the story of historic development of Regina. Read more.