Introducing our Latest Program: The High School Heritage Challenge!

Introducing our Latest Program: The High School Heritage Challenge!

Aug 24, 2021

Ethan Done, Research Assistant

Introducing our Latest Program: The High School Heritage Challenge!

Hey high school students, parents and teachers from across Saskatchewan: Are you looking for a way to share your stories with the world, explore your family’s history, or earn money for post-secondary education? We have launched an all-new program called, the High School Heritage Challenge, and inviting students across Saskatchewan in grades 9-12 to take part!

Learn more here

The High School Heritage Challenge is an event that encourages secondary school students to dig into heritage by creating a project (poem, game, artwork, presentation, etc.) about a  topic of their choice. To be clear, this does not mean that the topic of a project must be history-related, although it certainly can be. After all, because our heritage is intertwined with our culture it contributes to our sense of identity, builds communities in the present, and informs our choices for the future. So, potential topics for a project include family history, UNDRIP, music, science, the environment, reconciliation, etc!

And why should I compete in the High School Heritage Challenge, you ask? Our challenge is an excellent opportunity to research a project of your choice, and share it with the world on our virtual project gallery. we also offeran opportunity to win cash prizes! You could even use your project as a platform to advocate for a cause you believe in. Is there a political or social issue you believe in? Through your High School Heritage Challenge project, you could inform others about thistopic and its importance, which could inspire others to take action. You never know who is going to view your project!

So, are you ready to start your High School Heritage Challenge journey? We for one cannot wait to see what you create! Please visit here for more details regarding contest rules and deadlines!

Also, do not forget to tune in for the High School Heritage Challenge Virtual Event in November! More details are to be announced, but what we can tell you is that this event will allow you to learn, meet, and collaborate with students from across the province!