Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year 2019!

Jan 8, 2019

Katherine Gilks

Katherine Gilks, Education Coordinator

Heritage Saskatchewan is looking forward to another busy and rewarding year exploring and promoting Living Heritage!

Already, plans and projects are underway.

The 2019 Heritage Fairs season has started. Teacher registration opened on Dec. 1 (and closes on Feb. 4) and many students are working on their projects. While our Regional Fairs will not be until May this year due to the late Easter holiday, school fairs will be taking place as early as February and throughout the month of March. Several schools throughout the province have already signed up, including some for the first time!

The dates for four of our Regional Heritage Fairs have been finalised (any others to be announced in due course):

The 2019 Provincial Heritage Fair will be taking place at Government House May 28-29. New for this year will be having the judging portion take place at the beginning of the event in the afternoon of Tuesday, May 28, with the public viewing and awards ceremony being held in the afternoon of the following day (Wednesday, May 29). Finalists this year will also have the opportunity to visit the RCMP Heritage Centre, as well as Government House, the SK Sports Hall of Fame, the Saskatchewan Science Centre, the Legislative Building, and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum.

In addition to the Heritage Fairs program, Heritage Saskatchewan has a number of other education initiatives underway.

In the months of February/March (leading up to March 21), we will be assisting in promoting the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan’s Anti-Racism Youth Leadership programs. We also look forward to collaborating with MCoS in future initiatives.

In April, we will be launching The Road Allowance People Living Heritage booklet that was created in partnership with the Gabriel Dumont Institute and SUNTEP over the course of the fall and winter semesters.

In July and August, we will be partnering with the Diefenbaker Canada Centre in delivering their summer camps for students heading into grades 5-9.

Other events to look forward to are the upcoming Heritage Week in February and our Heritage Awards in June.

Keep following Heritage Saskatchewan on social media and on our website for more information as it is released!