Autumn 2021 - Here's What's Up!

Autumn 2021 - Here's What's Up!

Sep 15, 2021

Marieke de Roos, Communications Coordinator

Autumn 2021 - Here's What's Up!

It's a busy and very exciting time here at Heritage Saskatchewan! We have several programs on the go that we hope will inspire and encourage work in heritage and wellbeing, and vitalize the work that is already being done.

High School Heritage Challenge (Submission deadline: October 12th)

An extension of our Heritage Fairs program, the High School Heritage Challenge is aimed at students in grades 9-12 throughout Saskatchewan. Students are challenged to create a project that considers key themes including wellbeing, reconciliation, environmental sustainability, justice, and living heritage. Prizes including two $1000 education bursaries will be awarded to top projects.Students can now submit projects via our submission form. And be sure to keep tabs on our online gallery for student projects!

Heritage Symposium – Getting Real About Reconciliation (November 2-3)

We have partnered with the Museums Association of Saskatchewan to host our first ever virtual symposium, Getting Real About Reconciliation. We will soon be announcing our veritable panel of keynote presenters, and look forward to hosting topical spark sessions and networking opportunities.

Heritage Awards, hosted by the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan (November 2nd)

As last year’s Heritage Awards were cancelled, we are particularly excited to get our annual program back on track. Judges are now tasked with the difficult mission to determine winners in each of our four categories: Intangible Cultural Heritage, Community Development, Public Outreach, and Physical Heritage Conservation. Check out our new video about our Awards program featuring past winners!

Be part of a good thing! Join Heritage Saskatchewan as a member to support our mission to give voice to living heritage.