City of Regina approves 49 names for possible streets, parks or subdivisions

City of Regina approves 49 names for possible streets, parks or subdivisions

Mar 30, 2011

REGINA — Heroes of the hometown team and of the kind who sacrificed to protect their fellow citizens are being recognized with their names being added to the City of Regina's master list for future municipal features. The names of 18 stars of the Saskatchewan Roughriders organization and two local people who were killed or injured while helping others are among new options for possible streets, parks or subdivisions in Regina. The City of Regina's Civic Naming Committee reviewed applications for names to be added to the master list during 2009 and 2010 and came up with new names honouring a total of 49 individuals, according to its report. There is extensive criteria the six-member committee considers when choosing which names to approve. Submissions come from the public and from the committee itself — the latter is how the Riders got on the list. "That was actually done by my own initiative just because we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Riders in 2010," said Dana Turgeon, committee chairwoman. "We wanted to celebrate some of the great players that have not only contributed to football, but to the community." To read more of Joe Couture's article, please go to here.