2021 Virtual Heritage Fair

2021 Virtual Heritage Fair

Jan 18, 2021

Katherine Gilks, Outreach Coordinator

2021 Virtual Heritage Fair

Happy New Year 2021! Once again, we are very much looking forward to this year's Heritage Fair.

For 2021, the Heritage Fairs program will be online and Heritage Saskatchewan will host our second Virtual Heritage Fair. Combining elements of the Regional and Provincial Fairs, it is province-wide and open to all students in Saskatchewan from grades 4-8. We encourage teachers to register their classes (or individual students who are interested) in advance so that we will be looking out for their projects. Students can register and submit projects independently as well!

The deadline for registration is Monday, April 5, which is Easter Monday. We encourage projects to be submitted by this date as well, but the deadline for project submission is Monday, April 12, which is the first day back from Easter Break for most school divisions. The winners will be announced at the end of May.

Realising that the process of creating a Heritage Fairs project online may be daunting, Heritage Saskatchewan has created video resources for students, parents, and teachers. They are/will be available as of the week of January 18, 2021. The first video outlines the Virtual Heritage Fair itself; while the other videos discuss the process of making one's Heritage Fair project into a video and how to improve one's skills.

We had a lot of fun creating these videos. Check them out for information and to catch glimpses of past projects!

The Virtual Heritage Fair will have five categories:

1. Photo Presentation

2. Written Presentation

3. Mixed/Non-Video Presentation

4. Video Presentation

5. Creative Presentation (a new category for 2021)

This allows for projects of similar types to be compared to each other. The new Creative Presentation category also opens up the Heritage Fairs program to students who want to submit original art, writing, drama, music, or other creative works based on Canadian heritage topics. Students who want to submit a Creative Presentation can also submit a project into any of the other four categories.

We look forward to seeing the students' projects again this year! 

For more information about the Virtual Heritage Fair, check out the Frequently-Asked Questions on our website or contact our Outreach Coordinator at kgilks@heritagesask.ca.