

Dec 15, 2015

Sandra Massey

Sandra Massey, Research Program Coordinator,

One of the many Christmas traditions I enjoy is writing the annual letter to family and friends; a tradition I started in 1998. I have kept a copy of each letter so together they reflect the highlights of my life over that past seventeen years. A tradition doesn’t have to be ancient to be meaningful. In fact many of the traditions that shape our lives today aren’t as old as you might think.

I was reminded of the importance of tradition the other night as I watched Norman Jewison’s 1971 film, Fiddler on the Roof. As Tevye explains in the opening scenes, tradition tells us who we are and what we are supposed to be doing; without tradition, life would be “as shaky as a fiddler on the roof”.  Traditions are important because they give meaning and structure to our lives. That is, when we use the past to place ourselves along a continuum, it helps us to feel a sense of belonging; that we are part of something much greater than ourselves.

The traditions that persist over time are usually the ones that work. When a way of life is no longer meaningful it tends to lose its hold on us and we begin the process of letting go and creating new traditions. That is to say, the traditions may change but the values and beliefs they are built on - not necessarily. One thing I know for sure is that, there is more than one way to do anything. Regardless of what the tradition is, whether very, very old or relatively new, traditions are the foundation on which we build our lives; the Living Heritage that shapes the present and informs the choices we make for the future.

I used to think that writing the same letter to everyone I knew was just too impersonal but I have come to see the beauty of documenting and counting my blessings each year and then sharing the best of times with those I love and those that love me. These days I send my letter by email to most of the people on my list which is very convenient; it allows me more time to compose the letter and it uses less paper which is also good. I also appreciate the almost instant reply. Within a short period of time I know who has received my letter. What technology doesn’t change is the pleasure of writing an annual letter and the sincerity of the wishes.

As you share in the traditions of the season or start new ones may you and yours share many memorable moments throughout the New Year!