The Saskatchewan Food, Culture and Heritage Survey On Wednesday, February 16 2022, a new province-wide survey called, The Saskatchewan Food, Culture and Heritage Survey, was released by the University of Regina, paired with Heritage Saskatchewan, and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. Led by Dr Glenn Sutter and his team of researchers, this survey is part of a larger project called “Fostering food security through local cultures: Living... Discussing Heritage: the 2024 Heritage Conservation Branch Winter Webinar Series, Historic Places - Living Places Throughout March the Heritage Conservation Branch of the Ministry of Culture, Heritage and Sport held the 2024 Heritage Conservation Branch Winter Webinar Series: Historic Places - Living Places, a series of three webinars discussing heritage places in Saskatchewan. They were attended by people from across Saskatchewan and Canada.    I was able to attend all three webinars, and commend... Saskatchewan Masonry Institute - A Heritage Awards Sponsor Profile By David Siebert, Researcher Today, we are profiling a key sponsor for the 2023 Heritage Awards program, the Saskatchewan Masonry Institute (SMI). SMI is a voice for the masonry sector in Saskatchewan, and its members cover the breadth of the sector, from the masons working on buildings around the province to suppliers and producers who quarry and fabricate blocks. We spoke with Ryan Leech,... Northern Dialogues Kristin Catherwood Mantta, Director of Living Heritage This coming Thursday, February 29th, I will be moderating a webinar on Living Heritage and Sustainable Livelihoods with my UNESCO Co-Chair, Agnieszka Pawlowska-Mainville from the University of Northern British Columbia. For more information about the Chair, you can visit our website here. The webinar is part of a series in support of a SSHRC... Moving towards heritage as process By Vanessa Mathews, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, Univeristy of Regina I work at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, teaching and researching across a broad array of interests and specializations (housing, heritage, adaptive reuse, sustainability, and urban change). Over the past decade, the concept of heritage has entered into and out... The Continuing Economic Relevance of Saskatchewan's Grain Elevators By Isaac Farrell, Student Researcher As I noted in my last blog post, grain elevators are an important symbol of the Prairies and of Saskatchewan in particular, which was once home to over 3,300 elevators. Most communities in the province had more than one elevator at some point, and the number of elevators a town had could spark friendly competition with neighbouring communities, with several... Covid-19 Culture Reflections: Culture in Practice and The Everyday By Nicholas Antonini, Student Researcher [More than three years after Covid-19 upended our lives personally and collectively, we decided to return to a documentation project from the first wave of the pandemic to see what the participants were thinking and feeling at that time. Our summer research intern, Nicholas Antonini’s codified and analyzed the themes present in the 35 interviews that... Fostering Food Security Through Local Cultures By Nicholas Antonini, Student Researcher 2023 Over the past year, the research team involved with The Saskatchewan Food, Culture and Heritage Survey has been working on another research project titled, “Fostering Food Security Through Local Cultures.” This project is conducted through partnership between Heritage Saskatchewan, the University of Regina, and the Royal Saskatchewan... Reflections on Wooden Grain Elevators By Isaac Farrell, Summer Researcher 2023 Strong personal place attachments to former local hotspots. Shared senses of settler heritage and rural community histories. Friendships and camaraderie developed between farmers and agents through countless interactions in and around the local elevator(s). Memories of childhood and of people and places that are now long gone. These are but a handful of... Reflections on the 2023 Heritage Fairs Season By Katherine Gilks, Education/Outreach Coordinator Well, we have come to the end of another Heritage Fairs season! The 2023 Provincial Heritage Fair took place on Wednesday, June 14, at Government House in Regina. (Photos will be up on our website by the end of June.) There, for the second time in person since the Covid-19 pandemic, we gathered to celebrate the students and their wonderful...